Welcome to talus.tel

Hello! Welcome to talus.tel.  This website was previously the home to the website of Talus Telecommunications, Inc. The status of the business is unknown, however some contact information will be listed here, in case you need help getting more information about the late Milton "Tim" Garvin's business venture. There are several websites that were hosted and operational, but due to technical changes this content could no longer be offered here. If you have a phone number that is associated with a Talus account, or Tim Garvin had set something up for you and you aren't sure how to reclaim your number, keep reading.    Your number is likely still in the possession of the Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) CityNet, LLC.    They may be able to assist you if you have the phone number you are concerned with. Another contact person would be Mr. James R. Hartke, esq., representing the estate of Milton Timothy Garvin including the handling of Talus Telecommunications, which Tim operated primarily on his own.   Clicking Mr. Hartke's name above will provide you with his contact number, should you wish to reach him. If you are in need of business telephone service in the Cincinnati area, some helpful options will be provided within this page.    If you have trouble navigating this page, feel free to send us an email by clicking this link. The best of luck to you and thank you for visiting talus.tel.     If you have an interest in submitting an offer for this domain, you may do so using the link on this page.